The KLEPTOTRACE project revolves around several key Work Packages (WPs), each connected to a distinct specific objective, to reach the general aim of the project. Its main activities consist of:
– Research of new forms and risk factors.
Research of new forms and risk factors
The research-oriented work package involves carrying out analyses to monitor new forms and risk factors of high-level corruption and sanction circumvention schemes. Key tasks within this activity include:
Collection and text-mining of cases, open sources, and unstructured information – Applying advanced natural language processing (NLP) and named entity recognition (NER) techniques, we extract crucial data from open documents and news aggregators.
Analysis of new forms and risk factors of transnational high-level corruption – Recurrent forms and common risk factors of high-level corruption are identified from the collected cases and they are validated through interviews with partners and EU authorities.
Analysis and monitoring of sanction circumvention schemes – Schemes of sanction breach/circumvention, including beneficial ownership obfuscation, asset transfers, and crypto-assets are identified from the collected cases, and they are validated through interviews with partners and EU authorities.
The material made available in relation to this activity consists of:
Handbook on new forms and risk factors of transnational high-level corruption schemes (available here)
Paper on Entity Extraction from High-Level Corruption Schemes via Large Language Models (available here)
Report on schemes employed to circumvent sanctions (expected in December 2024)
Training and E-learning
Connected to the objective of providing dedicated trainings and e-learning to EU public authorities, private sector, and civil society, this package addresses selected needs and gaps, equipping different entities with the knowledge and tools to effectively combat high-level corruption. Key tasks in this activity include training ranging from providing understanding of legal bases and instruments for sanctioning and asset recovery to the use of public registers by civil society for disclosing ‘kleptocracy’ schemes and improving asset transparency.
Training material packages on the legal basis and instruments for sanctioning and asset recovery of transnational high-level corruption (recording and presentation available here)
Training material packages on understanding complex forms of ownership and control of assets and improve their tracing (recording and presentation available here)
Training material packages on how to use public registers by civil society for disclosing kleptocracy schemes and improving asset transparency (registration available here)
Training material packages on early-detection of high-level corruption schemes as part of EU’ banks AML/CTF due diligence (expected in February 2025)
Training material packages on how to use databases and data-driven tools for investigations of transnational high-level corruption schemes (expected in April 2025)
Development of KLEPTOTRACE Toolbox
This package aims to develop a data-driven IT toolbox for investigating and tracing assets related to high-level corruption and sanctioned individuals and entities. Building on the DATACROS prototype tool, the KLEPTOTRACE toolbox will integrate new sources and registers, embed tools from previous projects, and incorporate new risk assessment services based on AI and advanced data analytics.
The material produced in this task, which comprises the report of IT infrastructure of KLEPTOTRACE toolbox, and the releases of the KLEPTOTRACE toolbox itself, will be available to targeted users.
Assessment of EU Sanction Regimes
This activity aims to carry out an assessment of the current EU sanction regimes and their enforcement at a national level, while also proposing policy and legal recommendations. The tasks in this activity include:
Assessment of the limitations of the current EU sanction regime. The assessment is done through the analysis of legislative measures, case studies and judicial files of EU supranational and national courts. Moreover, an analysis of EC proposals in this field is undertaken.
Assessment of the limitations of the national enforcement systems in targeting circumvention schemes. The assessment is one by analysing the variety and level of enforcement (including both administrative and criminal penalties) set by EU Member States to punish breach of EU sanctions.
Production of policy recommendations for improving EU and national sanction regimes against ‘kleptocrats‘. The recommendations take into account various scenarios, including recent EU proposals and, among others, the possibility of establishing an EU-wide sanction authority with power over restrictive measures violations.
Report on the limitations of the current EU and national sanction regimes (delieverable available HERE)
Legal and policy recommendations on EU and national sanction regime (expected in February 2024)
Awareness raising
This activity aims to boost the awareness of the EU authorities and civil society about the threats and the risks posed by transnational high-level corruption, and addresses this objective by the current website, the social media campaign, and the dissemination of KLEPTOTRACE gadgets.
Kleptotrace Logos – Kleptotrace poster
Slider: Sanctions outlook and constraints
KLEPTOTRACE Gadgets (Delivered at in-person events)